At Flash Dry Cleaners we offer professional laundry and dry cleaning services. We are a reputable service provider and will do a better job at taking care of your laundry.
Nobody has enough time on their hands to do all there is to do. The shortage of time is a factor that has made it very important to outsource time consuming tasks. Not only do we help save time at Flash Dry Cleaners and provide quality cleaning, we also are thinking beyond just Your laundry as we are more focused on our valued customers.
This time around we are giving our customers an opportunity to go relax and enjoy a movie at Ster-Kinekor.
Why then do your laundry when you can just go enjoy the movies? Spend $25 on our laundry and dry cleaning services and get Instant movie tickets.
With over 20 Flash Depots in and around Harare, simply come and enjoy the best laundry service in Zimbabwe. Our services are the best and we would like everyone to have access to them hence we are opening MORE depots for our customers.
Visit the nearest Depot close to you and bring in your suits, trousers, jackets, blankets, bed sheets, curtains, gowns, dresses etc. and enjoy unbeatable service. Locate the closest depot to you on our interactive map.
Flash Dry Cleaners – “THE CLEANERS THAT CARE! “